This page will be devoted to boxing both real boxing events and (mostly) a pc game simulator called Title Bout Boxing.
A bit about Title Bout Boxing. It is a PC based (mainly) text simulation game that has been around for over 10 years. The game is very customizable with using real (historic) fighters and random fighters from teh random fighter generator built into the game. There is a new version in the works and will post more about that in the near future. There are many ways to play this game and the way I am doing it is mixing real and RFG fighters and though I cannot take credit for creating this universe, this is probably the best one I have seen and intentionally made it this elaborate. I have to give credit to fellow OOTP board member SAL for coming up with this idea. Thanks SAL this was a great idea for a universe.
I am using the original 8 divisions (Bantamweight, Flyweight, Featherweight, Lightweight, Welterweight, Middleweight, Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight. The fighter ratings goes from 0-15 and I split the ratings into two sections 0-6 and 7-15 to ensure a little fairer play for the fighters
The rules are as follows After Tournaments ALL FIGHTERS will be reassigned to their respective group RANDOMLY (via way of my custom excel sheet i created for this). All fighters start at beginner. Ageing 7 bouts to pre prime 8 more to prime 36-54 to post prime 8-16 to end 8 more to retire In the event of a DRAW OR NO CONTEST in the box off the tie breaker will be resolved by the total of the points accumulated at the end of each round. found in the bout log. Second tie breaker will be by punch accuracy if it goes to 3rd tie breaker it will be decided by higher group fighter winning which to date the 3rd tie breaker has yet to be used.
RETIREMENTS!!!! If a retirement happens at the end group play then the results are still counted and the fighters rank in group play will be used. Example if a fighter in Journeyman group finishes 5-8 then the fighter he faces in the box off will be promoted automatically. This will be used for ALL box offs and super series bouts if needed. If it is not a box off then this example will be used if a fighter retires and is either 3-4 in world then the LOSER in Contender box off in the #2 combined with the best overall record in group play will be promoted if all boxers in group combined 2 beats all of the world 5-6 then the best record that finished 3rd in the pool will move up. Then the LOSER of journeyman group 3-4 again with the best record in group play will move up to contender if the record in group play is identical then the best overall record will be used. If 3-4 contender then the best record in journeyman 3-4 group will be used. If 1-2 in journeyman then this again will fall on journeyman 3-4 group. in all cases the Golden Gloves eliminated fighter with the best record will be recalled to journeyman to fill in the gaps. To date no division has had a Golden Gloves box off sweep against the 5-8 journeyman group. IF the retirement comes after a box off WIN then the loser is automatically promoted anyway. IF the retirement comes after a box off LOSS then the above rules to who takes over will apply. (to date this has not happened YET)!
The universe will be divided into 4 groups:World (16 boxers - 2 Groups of eight) Contender (32 boxers - 4 Groups of eight) Journeyman (32 boxers - 4 Groups of eight) and Golden Gloves (NEW boxers – 2 Groups of 8) Each year, all groups will hold round robin tournaments to determine who advances, who stays and who gets demoted.
World Group: 10 rounds Will be divided into 2 groups of eight boxers. At the end of the round-robin tournaments, 1st & 2nd place finishers of both groups will box-off to determine the seasons World Group A winner to Face Group B #2 Group B #1 to face Group A #2 winners move on to title. 12 rounds semi 15 rounds finals 5th & 6th place of both groups will box-off (10 rounds) with the second place finishers of the Contender League. Winner to the Champion group, loser to the Contender League.10 rounds 7th & 8th place of both groups will be demoted to the Contender League
Contender:8 rounds Divided into 4 groups of eight.1st place finishers of all 4 groups will be promoted to the Champion group.2nd place finishers will box-off against 5th & 6th place from the Champion group (10 rounds). Winners to the Champion group, losers to the Contender Group.10 rounds 5th & 6th place finishers will box-off against 3rd & 4th place from the Journeyman group (8 rounds). Winners to the Contender Group, losers to the Journeyman group.8 rounds 7th & 8th place from all 4 groups will be demoted to the Journeyman group.
Journeyman 6 rounds 1st1st & 2nd place finishers of all 4 groups will be promoted to the Contender Groupe 3rd & 4th place will box-off against the 5th & 6th place finishers from the Contender groupie Winners to the Contender groupie & losers to Golden Gloves group. 8 rounds 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th place from all 4 groups will enter a box-off against all 16 fighters from the Golden Gloves. Winners to the Golden Gloves group, losers are RETIRED.8 rounds
Golden Gloves: 6 rounds All fighters entering their first season will start in the Golden Gloves group New group of 16 comes up every two years. 4 or 12 Historical Fighters will come up in each division 0-6 and 7-15 groups. Because the game itself have 1000's of 0-6 historical fighters 12 will be used from that pool and 4 RFG's to make the 16 and 4 historical from the 7-15 and 12 RFG will be used since there are generally less than 300 and I want to keep this universe going for a while.
I have been running this universe for a quite a few months in real life but the "game clock" is at 2030 now for all the divisions. I will be posting the stats in every division and getting set up for the 2030 season which I am expecting to start it at the end of November.
For simplicity I will post each divisions results and when needed post actual news from the real boxing appropriate division as well.
Congrats to GGG on his very narrow win tonight and Dazn announcers if the knock down round 1 did not occur then it was a 10-9 for GGG not the 10-8 and 114-113 would of made it 114-114 A DRAW on two of the scorecards. GGG Also show a lot of vulnerability and made it very little chance for a 3rd match with Canelo. Another update James Day died 4 days after getting knocked out in the 10th round. after he was down his left leg was shaking and reports of a seizure as he was loaded into the ambulance this is the 3rd boxing death this year and unlike the other two i saw this fight on DAZN. Canelo surprised me with his impressive KO over Kovalev in the 11th round. The KSI/Paul match was a head scratcher and the referee made a few blunders and had a hard time controlling the two fighters . Paul DID hit KSI when he was down (and in the past this was an automatic DQ) but scored it a knockdown AND take 2 points away from paul for the hit gave the bout to KSI via split decision (SD) the next big one is Ruiz in December (and that will be a big one)
Trying something different in the news feeds highlighting each division group play and posting results of all box offs (and retirements) as well. Hope everyone likes it.
The Covid-19 BS that has been wrecking havoc on EVERYTHING has put this real boxing updates and hockey on hold.
below is for the note keeping on the fighters during the season boxed
2036 0-6 Golden Gloves group A
Group B
0-6 Journeyman group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
0-6 Contender group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
0-6 World Group A
Group B
0-6 Journey 5-8 vs Combined Golden Gloves
Contender 5-6 vs Journeyman 3-4
World 5-6 vs Contender 2
Super Series semi finals
2036 7-15 Golden Gloves group A
Group B
7-15 Journeyman group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
7-15 Contender group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
7-15 World Group A
Group B
7-15 Journey 5-8 vs Combined Golden Gloves
Contender 5-6 vs Journeyman 3-4
World 5-6 vs Contender 2
Super Series semi finals
Super Series Finals