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Current Ramblings


Updated: Sep 6, 2021

Update 9/6/2021 (wow been a while) first off the center for Democrat control still cannot make up their minds with this COVID-19 now saying back to 6 feet masks even if vaxxed and BOOSTER SHOTS.....WHATVER!!!!!! As for hockey my birthtown (area) Tampa Bay lightning are back to back champs and very much improving my autographed collection (now at 7 jerseys and 30+ pucks) been getting some nice auots from including Jewel Staite and Ian Mcdermid (Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sideous) and working on at least two more this month. As for the ETF's 22.09% UP since I restarted it with a whopping 62.59% GAIIN from SCHB (the Schwab US ETF fund mainly thanks to that huge drop I bought into when the pandemic hit) the current "loser" is my bond fund (SPTL at a -2.95 oopsss like I care). I want to give a mention to Disney+ and their shows the Bad Batch, Mighty Ducks, Mandalorian, Boba Fett (coming soon) and the Big Shot which just recently announced a season 2 pick up (YEA!!!!). Working Saturday's now (which means OT every week) mainly thanks to one of our machines actually catching FIRE a few weeks ago and that has really messed up our production numbers. the machine is still not 100% but they are working on it.

Update 5-23-2020 Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone first update I got a Dominic Simon puck from the charity bag (no jersey no biggie) 2nd. I was declared an essential worker where I work now and have been working through the Covid-19 FARCE! CDC changes their direction every other day and getting rapidly tired of it. Not even the swine flu got this kind of reaction when it hit. 3rd update been buying the ETF's in this down market and STILL posting gains as of this date SCHB had a nice 12.37% gain SPTL is my big winner 20.51% up and VEA my weakest at a paltry .28% but that is my lowest funded etf as well which will change very soon. 4th update hockey is looking at a 24 team playoff format to end this season which appears to have gained approval from the players union and still working out the details.

Update 3-9-2020 Hockey season is heating up towards the end (more on that later this week) Corona Virus running rampant (and hurting the stock market yea not me 22.42% gain as of 3-9 thanks to SPTL $130+ in gains :) ) I am quickly saving up and will but more of at least VEA and SCHB probably later this week if not early next week. Work is going well still making the box fans and getting a nice bonus on this upcoming paycheck :). And for the 3rd season in a row I was able to purchase a Pittsburgh Penguin charity bag (and you can too at this link will post a video when I get the bag and show everyone what I got :) My Roku player went bad but I was able to get another one next day and its actually better than the other one. The other dominant news the past week has been the Nashville Tornadoes I live south of there but did live very VERY close to the path of the major tornado that traveled over 50 miles at one point in time.

update 1-26-2020 Hello everyone. I took a three week break from posting my boxing universe to get some things in order. First off I am FINE..there is NOTHING wrong with me i'm ok and have confirmed lost some serious weight (i checked the other day at work and weighed in at 156.2 last time i had it checked it was over 200) speaking of work I was FINALLY hired on full time with a very nice (0.66) raise and now going way over aggressive on my personal ETF account. For those that do not know ETF is Exchange Traded Funds they trade like regular stocks but is bundled like mutual funds. I selected three for my my core funds (SCHB which is based on the US market, SPTL which is long term bond treasury fund and VEU which is the developed countries (minus US) fund. Last year I was only able to make 4 total investments into the account 2 to SPTL for a total of 10 shares (5 each) 3 shares of SCHB and 5 shares of VEU for a near 50/50 split between the bonds and stock type security and a 25% split between the world and us funds. As of TODAY 1/26/2020 I have an impressive 19.54% gain since inception. The plan is to move money from my bank into this account and basically double what I currently have (expect it to take another 7 weeks or so) and then continue on after that. last year was problematic for me and finances and taking this approach to protect me in teh future. Unlike last year though this current job I am in no danger of losing it and NOT under the BS whims of the UAW and the management at the union shops who are anti union and have no problem running people off just cause. Glad to be gone from that crap too. In addition to that in December my ATT modem went bad and after a full week of waiting for a replacement I decided to opt out and went local cable. saved a little for now but the big saver was dropping hulu live and picking up their $25 tv choice package which is working very well for me. This plus Disney+, ESPN+, DAZN, Tubi, Pluto TV and a few others gives me plenty of options. (I have a ROKU btw).

As for the COUP (masquerading as an impeachment "trial") I fully expect this sham to end in an acquittal in the next two weeks if not this week. The socialists failed to prove their case and by all rights should be removed from congress period. (GITMO works for me)

Just turned on the TV and watching the coverage of the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant. I am NOT a basketball fan at all but RIP Kobe.

New Year New Ramble (actually two) I will start off with Disney+ and then go to the impeachment of President Trump

Starting off Disney + and their huge hit Maldorian has exceeded all expectations and "Baby Yoda" getting rave reviews (and in the season ending episode) became a punch bag for a biker trooper. Episode 8 was clearly the best episode and looking forward to the next season coming this fall. Disney has been under fire for not releasing ALL of their content on their service but those complainers forget about all of teh side deals Disney has with everyone else and it will take a few years to get everything exclusive to them. Disney has a lot of old stuff on there (Apple Dumpling Gang, Gus, Black Hole, Witch Mountain, original mickey mouse club and more. I went with the annual rate and NOT regretting dropping netflix.

The next ramble has been going on for a WHILE now and if you are suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) or still sniffling that hilLIARy would of made a better president (like hell) this section is NOT FOR YOU.

First off lets call this for what it really is...A COUP! The Mueller report blew up in their faces so now they had a sham of a hearing calling "witnesses" to say whet THEY (the socialists running amok in the HOUSE) tell them to say. Now that they have voted for impeachment (with ZERO GOP yes votes no less) House "speaker" Nancy Pelosi is actually holding off of sending it to the Senate because she is demanding that the Senate holds a FAIR TRIAL (keep in mind FAIR to the socialists is what they think which is way different from actual REALITY) hell I get DAILY emails from these clowns demanding the GOP had FAIR DISTRICT MAPS. So the GOP does NOT have fair maps but the socialists do??? BULLSHIT! Maryland's 3rd congressional district was listed in the top ten of the most gerrymandered districts in the United States by The Washington Post in 2014 The district is drawn to favor Democratic candidates Southern California??? Yup favors the socialists. 4th district of NC?? Yup SOCIALIST AGAIN! 7th in the country for most gerrymandered. (this district was supposedly redrawn under court order but the 2018 election and the incumbent David Price easily won with over 70% of the vote. Renounce YOUR OWN maps FIRST then I MIGHT LISTEN. Facts are the economy is rolling under Trump, unemployment is at historical LOWS GDP is over 3% manufacturing is UP stock market breaking all time highs but since queen hilLIARy LOST despite a RIGGED primary election. the socialists sees Trump as the enemy and will continue to lie, cheat and steal. A "debate" featured illegal immigration and EVERY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE RAISED THEIR HAND TO SUPPORT FREE HEALTH CARE FOR THEM! Now states are giving away drivers licenses to ANYONE who wants one doesn't matter if you actually live in the state or LEGALLY able to do so. And they continue to say NO ONE is above the law.....whatever 2020 will be a bigger disaster than the 2010 elections for the socialists.

Ramble time and this one is about unions. Until today I worked at a UAW union shop and the mood amongst the union members can be summed up in one word...STRIKE! Which they will do Sunday the 15th around 10am. They have a lot of complaints from GM closing plants to a two tier pay system the union wants abolished (i'm not exactly sure what that is) and their big one they want to be like the illegals and get totally FREE HEALTH CARE which they have been enjoying for some time but the GM wants to start the employees paying for the insurance. The local union voted 99-1 PERCENT to STRIKE and the nation is at least 95% overall to strike. This is not going to be a 3 day quick fix as management thinks will happen where I work. The strike pay went up to $250 a week and unemployment is around $275 a week according to them. $275 is not going to cut it for me and I found a new job starting next week with a slight bump up in pay which is always good.


Update and now it is official UAW is now on STRIKE! I'm going to post both sides of the argument here and ass my thoughts on this...first GM side

Talks between the union and GM were tense from the start, largely because GM plans to close four U.S. factories. The union has promised to fight the closures.

Here are the main areas of disagreement:

— GM is making big money, $8 billion last year alone, and workers want a bigger slice. The union wants annual pay raises to guard against an economic downturn, but the company wants to pay lump sums tied to earnings. Automakers don't want higher fixed costs.

— The union also wants new products for four factories GM wants to close. The factory plans have irked some workers, although most of those who were laid off will get jobs at other GM factories. GM currently has too much U.S. factory capacity.

— The companies want to close the labor cost gap with workers at plants run by foreign automakers. GM's gap is the largest at $13 per hour, followed by Ford at $11 and Fiat Chrysler at $5, according to figures from the Center for Automotive Research, an industry think tank. GM pays $63 per hour in wages and benefits compared with $50 at the foreign-owned factories.

— Union members have great health insurance plans but workers pay about 4% of the cost. Employees of large firms nationwide pay about 34%, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. The companies would like to cut costs.

The strike will affect GM plants in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, New York, Texas and elsewhere in the U.S.

The offer details included:

Over $7 billion in investments and more than 5,400 Jobs: · Solutions for unallocated assembly plants in Michigan and Ohio · Investments in eight facilities in four states · Introduction of all-new electric trucks · Opportunity to become the first union-represented battery cell manufacturing site in the U.S. · Additional new vehicle and propulsion programs

Best-in-Class Wages and Benefits: · Wage or lump sum increases in all four years · Improved Profit Sharing Formula · Ratification payment of $8,000 · Retain nationally-leading health care benefits · New coverage for autism therapy care, chiropractic care and allergy test

Now the union side

Following a formal meeting of the GM Council consisting of local union leaders, the UAW announced he membership is going on strike at midnight Sunday to secure:

✓ Fair Wages ✓ Affordable Healthcare ✓ Our Share of Profits ✓ Job Security ✓ A Defined Path to Permanent Seniority for Temps

The decision to strike comes a day after UAW Vice President Terry Dittes notified General Motors leadership that the Union would not agree to extend the Collective Bargaining Agreements.

“We told UAW GM members that we would stand up for them and their future,” said Gary Jones, President of the UAW.

National Bargaining Committee Chair Ted Krumm of UAW Local 652 said “We have been clear at the table about what GM members have indicated we will accept. We are standing up for what is right. We as local unions will sacrifice to stand up for what we deserve.”

“Our members have spoken; we have taken action; and this is a decision we did not make lightly. We are committed to a strong contract at GM that recognizes our UAW members, who make some of the greatest products in the world and make GM so profitable.”


This is flat out BULLSHIT! The union has ZERO interests in negotiations because of the plant closures plus their concessions in the last agreement and some of their demands are just that unreasonable.

Fair wages (laughable to say the least) I was a temp at SEVERAL GM suppliers with the best pay coming from Ryder but that still paled in comparison to what the GM workers are making. Sure you start off bad and some (Ryder) went aggressive in the pay IF you survived their whimsical crap they threw onto you starting out at 15.50 and then going to 16.85 after everything kicked in. Now there is talk about a two tier system that the union hates (really do not know why) update on this I now understand why after talking to a striker while going home from my new job, Basically the temps start out at $15 and get only 3 days off and if they are lucky to survive the 1st year they get a raise (supposedly $1) they go through this cycle in an whopping 8 year period. and then they STILL do not make what the GM worker is making after that 8th year. The contracts are in a 4 year period so how the teams have to suffer through 8 years remains a mystery. But FACT is GM treats their temps like a mongoose treats a cobra. This is one rare area I will side with the unions on I know what it is like going over a year as a low life temp and about two months before you are supposed to get hired on full time you are told that the ratio of full and temp workers is where they want it to be and have closed off hiring well you plan to leave QUICK (and I did and it was a NON union plant too).

Affordable health care (ROFLMAO) i cannot say for certain that this union was the driving force in obamacare but they are a heavy contributor to it. If you noticed above the UAW BARELY pays for their health care they demand that it continues that was but GM is flat out saying hell no health care costs are up (OBAMACARE!) and we cannot afford to continue it. Bottom line this one is laughable they want free health care just like the beloved illegals get. I also pay from my paycheck for healthcare but guess what...that payment actually LOWERS your TAXABLE INCOME and yes it DOES make that much of a difference. New coverage for autism therapy care, chiropractic care and allergy test this is a new one I am not aware of and have NEVER seen it offered in ANY health program before.

Profit Sharing. I have worked for other companies that engaged in profit sharing (mainly through their 401k) and it is reported that the UAW workers get a very nice chunk of change (well over $1,000 and I have heard a range from 3k to 6k they get at the end of the year) but they still want MORE. I have been overall happy with my former employers profit sharing plans and a lot of that save dme from real hardship times and never once was it considered to demand more.

Job Security this is in a few areas but one complaint I have heard (and yes also been involved with personally) was staying at one station throughout the entire shift without a rotation. The problem here is that there are simply not enough workers for that shift to allow rotations (or management wanted to run you out of town) and they get very displeased when you cannot hack it. They also want more of an advance warning when OT is needed (good luck with that one people call out DAILY!) but one of the union complaints is about the other plant shutdowns in the country and they want to protect the workers (that one i'll side with the union slightly) they also want protection from any future economy meltdowns and so on....

A Defined Path to Permanent Seniority for Temps. Temps have ALWAYS been looked down as useless drones while noble the union actually wants to consider them what is bugging the union is that GM has a temp to full time ratio that is not where the union wants it to be (they want it lower than what it is). I too was a victim of the ratio where I was working at a non union plant for over a year and they said we are not hiring anyone for full time at this time and do not plan to in the foreseeable future. (I was gone from that place three days later). The union KNOWS their membership is dwindling (which is why the sought out casino workers to join their union) they wants these temps to go full time so they can get dues from them as well.

Opportunity to become the first union-represented battery cell manufacturing site in the U.S. If the car makers actually did this 100 years ago when they were debating between electric and gas (and they actually were) this would be a non issue. But electric charging stations are hard to fine and even more so RARELY USED (at least in my area). There is one plant GM has that MIGHT be able to do that NOW but wait and see.

RANDOM WILD CARD FACTOR Union leadership is under serious federal investigations for a wide variety of offenses including illegal kickbacks, money laundering, shady deals to vendors theft of union dues etc.... The union rank and file (workers) may also vote no to ANY union deal that is made and they are demanding a seat at the table as well. In addition GM had had bankruptcy hanging over their heads and they might pull a fast one to shaft the union as well. (Dunno if they would actually do that though)

In a strike EVERYONE loses this is NOT going to be a 3 day fix like management at my now former place is saying (I am calling it to last a MONTH EASY!) Update we are now heading into week 3 of the strike and reports show NO END IN SIGHT! Like I said to people before this is NOT an easy fix this strike is very different this time and it will linger. If I had real money I would be shorting GM and its suppliers until this strike ends.

1 week into the strike now and it is NOT looking better for either side. Earlier in the week GM decided to cut the health care benefits from the striking workers (which they can do) also a local union president and a few members actually got arrested for what was called traffic obstruction (they were blocking the road to one of the GM plants much to chagrin of the other strikers. the two sides are still far apart and i am still sticking to me one month call. GM restored the health benefits a few days later though.

Update Oct 23 GM and the UAW reached a tentative agreement last week and it was met with lukewarm response by the rank and file members even I was not that impressed by it. The voting on it actually started monday and reports are being leaked that Lordstown flat out rejected it, Spring Hill Tennessee rejected it 51/49 and reports out of Detroit are mixed as well. I do not think this will pass there was no condition on guarantee employment or to prevent further plant shutdowns. Also sad news to report out of Spring Hill a striker was hit and killed by a driver details are still sketchy. My call of it going one month has happened.

Update November 10th the strike is now over (has been for a week or two now). While NO ONE WON in this strike, there are plenty of losers in this strike. First GM for caving in to the demands of the union only paying 3% of their medial plus throwing all kinds of money at them and agreeing to provide a path for the low lifes (temp workers) for employment. The union LOST on several areas as well first the striker getting hit and killed by a driver while crossing a not so often public traffic bridge (it was the south entrance road to the plant and the only other significant thing there was a day care center where the car was heading. Secon plant closings they did not get the plants back (which is why the vote was around 3,000 more to ratify they really hated this deal).GM can (and will) close a few non performing plants OR retool one which they will have to close as well (Hamtrack is the one in play here) the top officials getting hammered on their kick back scams and other federal issues is also causing some dissention. PLUS the money they "won" from GM the union dues (which covers strikes) will have to get back up to the 7 million+ in that coffer so the way to make it up will be raising the dues. In addition the temps really did NOT get that much protection and the 4 years path is more cloudy than a democrat controlled congressional hearing (another reason why the vote was not overwhelming). The Customer also LOST because they will be paying for all of this with higher priced vehicles plus the parts delays and even ordering the new models also left a sour note to them. The NON UNION workers (and union workers at the suppliers) were by far the BIG LOSERS in this one they lost a month of pay (and could not get strike pay because they do not work at the GM plant itself) unless they were smart enough to find something else and those in Tennessee in more than several cases did NOT get unemployment insurance (Tennessee unemployment division is IMPOSSIBLE to deal with unless you swam a river/ocean, climbed a fence, tunneled under, or a particular preferred religion) and now they have to make up for lost time by (probably) working OT and quite a few suppliers have staffing issues as it is. I'm just glad I found something else and way better the week before the strike was official. Time will tell and GM wants to go electric (as if the VOLT didn't teach them a lesson thanks again OBAMA) and I would LOVE to see the unions faces when/if the socialists gets their coveted single pay medical system which will KILL the 3% costs the union now enjoys....why they support these backstabbers is way beyond me.....and thus this ends the strike rant as well. Dunno what is next to ramble about


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